• Results Analyst starting fall 2020

    Results Analyst starting fall 2020

    By joining Bene Agere, you will become part of a small and dynamic company which gives you a unique opportunity for further development both professional and personal. Bene Agere is a leading consulting company established in 2005. We collaborate with ambitious leaders and organizations to develop and operationalize strategies. We are working to ensure that…

  • Why profit and purpose can and should go hand in hand

    Why profit and purpose can and should go hand in hand

    A great article by one of our partnering companies Disruption, describing the differences between H&M, Facebook and Patagonia and how addressing both positive and negative externalities in your strategy can increase the value of your company. Enjoy! To access more of Disruptions’s content please visit the following website: Membership Plans

  • Fra Strategi til Resultater – hva er det ledere strever med?

    Fra Strategi til Resultater – hva er det ledere strever med?

    “En strategi – uansett hvor glitrende den er – gir ingen resultater i seg selv, det er implementering av den som gir alle resultatene den lover” Onsdag 6. Februar delte Pål Wæhle sine erfaringer med BI studenter om hvordan strategiarbeid foregår i praksis og hvordan det kan forbedres. Foredraget baserte seg på erfaringer fra Benes Ageres arbeid…